
I am posting two things here: Syllabi for some of the courses I've taught in the past, and copies of 'handouts' I've used in teaching these courses. A very old statement concerning my grading policies is also available.

Students should be able to use the syllabi as the beginnings of reading lists, should they find themselves interested in a topic that is not currently being taught. The handouts will be described below: Typically, these are fairly elementary presentations of technical material. Anyone who would like to use them (or modified versions of them) in their own teaching is welcome to do so: I'd appreciate credit, where it may be due, though (and will accept blame, where that is due).

Courses taught before Fall 2005 were given at Harvard. Those after that date were given at Brown.

Note: All of these files should open in a new window.


For many years now, my courses have all had websites of their own where one can find syllabi and related material. These are all hosted at frege.org. An up-to-date list of the sites can always be found there.

What follow are generally older syllabi, mostly from my courses at Harvard.



