Personal Information

Welcome to the web site for me, Richard Kimberly Heck.1 I am Professor of Philosophy at Brown University. I taught at Harvard University, from 1991 through 2005.

In this section of the site, you will find some general information about me. First, here is some contact information. My mailing address is:

Department of Philosophy
Box 1918
Brown University
Providence RI 02912

You are welcome to contact me with any questions you might have, but please be advised that, unfortunately, I have too many commitments to be able to give detailed answers to unsolicited questions about philosophy. If you want to ask such questions, try Ask Philosophers, where I am a panelist.

There are three other sections on the site:

1 Before 27 February 2018, I was known as "Richard G Heck, Jr". Please note also that I now use "they" and its cognates as my pronouns. For information on how to cite my work in light of this change, please see this page.